
All NPCs can be found in the Actor Class Browser under Pawn > ScriptedPawn.


The patrolling algorithm in vanilla Deus Ex is quite broken and can cause crashes. It is highly recommended to subclass ScriptedPawn and change the patrolling state to this


An NPC will have an either positive or negative relationship towards a group or the player.

  • Alliances
    • Alliance
    • InitialAlliances
      • AllianceLevel
      • AllianceName
      • bPermanent
The name of the group this NPC belongs to, e.g. "MJ12"
Accepted values are -1 for hostile, 0 for neutral and 1 for friendly
The name of the group. Can also just be "Player".
When true, this relationship cannot be changed, no matter what

Make an NPC an enemy of the player

  1. Add an NPC to your map and open its properties.
  2. Set Inventory > InitialInventory > [0] > Inventory to WeaponPistol.
  3. Expand Alliances > InitialAlliances > [0].
  4. Set AllianceLevel to -1.
  5. Set AllianceName to Player.
  6. Set bPermanent to True.

Make an NPC an enemy of another NPC

  1. Add an NPC to your map and open its properties.
  2. Set Inventory > InitialInventory > [0] > Inventory to WeaponPistol.
  3. Expand Alliances.
  4. Set Alliance to NPC1.
  5. Expand InitialAlliances > [0].
  6. Set AllianceLevel to -1.
  7. Set AllianceName to NPC2.
  8. Set bPermanent to True.
  9. Perform steps 1-8 again, but swap NPC1 and NPC2.

Change alliances using AllianceTriggers

  1. Add an NPC to yor map and open its properties.
  2. Set Inventory > InitialInventory > [0] > Inventory to WeaponPistol.
  3. Set Events > Tag to MyEnemy.
  4. Add a Triggers > Trigger > AllianceTrigger from the Actor Class Browser to your map.
  5. Open its properties and expand AllianceTrigger > Alliances > [7].
  6. Set AllianceLevel to -1.
  7. Set AllianceName to Player.
  8. Set bPermanent to True.
  9. Set Events > Event to MyEnemy.
  10. Play the map and walk into the trigger.

A diagram for clarity:

AllianceTrigger                 ┌─── "MyEnemy"
├─ Events                       │ 
│  └─ Event ────────────────────┤
└─ Alliances                    │
   └─ [7]                       │
      ├─ AllianceLevel = -1     │
      ├─ AllianceName = Player  │
      └─ bPermanent = True      │
MyEnemy                         │
├─ Events                       │
│  └─ Tag ──────────────────────┘
└─ Inventory                  
   └─ InitialInventory
      └─ [0]
         └─ Inventory = WeaponPistol


The alliances set in the AllianceTrigger will override the InitialAlliances defined on the NPC whose Events > Tag match the trigger's Events > Event, so it's a good idea to leave the first few alliances empty on the trigger.


If you want to trigger an alliance change during a conversation, it's best to use the mission script, as the player can cancel the conversation midway by running off.


  • Combat
    • bAimForHead
    • BaseAccuracy
They will always aim for their opponent's head
The precision with which they fire weapons¹

¹ Lower BaseAccuracy gives ScriptedPawns higher reload speed, more rate of fire (including during full auto), and tighter aim. A value as low as -0.25 might give many weapons literally perfect aim. -0.1 to -0.15 is generally a range one might use for boss type enemies, but it will start by calculating with the base stats of the weapon they have equipped.


  • Orders
    • AlarmTag
    • bFixedStart
    • HomeExtent
    • HomeTag
    • Orders
    • OrderTag
    • SharedAlarmtag
Which alarm panel they will seek out when alerted
The radius in Unreal Units within which they will wander from home
The home position indicated by the Events > Tag of a PatrolPoint
The order¹ to give
Indicates the Events > Tag of the target of the order

¹ Possible values for the Orders field:

Order OrderTag Description
Dancing Plays the dancing animation. Use with the AI > bHokeyPokey property to make them spin
Following Pawn Follows the target Pawn. Leave empty to follow the player.
GoingTo PatrolPoint Walks to the target PatrolPoint
Idle Does nothing
Patrolling Follows the assigned patrol path
RunningTo PatrolPoint Runs to the target PatrolPoint
Shadowing Pawn Follows the target Pawn sneakily. Leave empty to shadow the player.
Sitting Seat Sits down on a Seat (from Decorations > DeusExDecorations > Furniture)
Standing Plays the standing animation
WaitingFor Pawn Waits for a Pawn
Wandering Wanders within the HomeExtent of the HomeTag position

General settings

  • ScriptedPawn
    • bHighlight
    • bImportant
    • bInvincible
    • bInWorld
    • ClotPeriod
    • HealthArmLeft
    • HealthArmRight
    • HealthHead
    • HealthLegLeft
    • HealthLegRight
    • HealthTorso
    • SurprisePeriod
    • WalkSound
Whether they will show the highlight interaction box
If true, _Dead and _Unconscious flags will be set for them
If true, they cannot be killed
If false, they are initially hidden
The amount of seconds they take to go back to their default state after reacting to an event
Hit points of the left arm
Hit points of the right arm
Hit points of the head
Hit points of the left leg
Hit points of the right leg
Hit points of the torso
The amount fo seconds they take to pursue an enemy after seeing them
Overlays an extra walking sound on top of their footsteps

Miscellaneous use cases

Detecting when a character is dead or unconscious

  1. Place any Pawn > ScriptedPawn > ... in your map, enter its properties and expand the ScriptedPawn section.
  2. Set bImportant to True.
  3. Expand the Conversation section and assign its BindName to something.
  4. Test it by killing/knocking out the actor, bringing up the legend menu and clicking Edit Flags.
  5. It should show up as [BindName]_Dead and [BindName]_Unconscious.


As fas as flags are concerned, a character who is unconscious is also dead. So remember to check for the _Unconscious flag first, if you're using it in a conversation context.