Security cameras


  • Events
    • Event
    • Tag
  • HackableDevices
    • bHackable
    • hackStrength
    • initialHackStrength
  • SecurityCamera
    • bActive
    • bNoAlarm
    • bSwing
    • cameraFOV
    • cameraRange
    • swingAngle
    • swingPeriod
Can be set to the tag of AutoTurrets to activate them upon detection
To set up with a ComputerSecurity, provide this tag as its Views > [0-2] > cameraTag
Whether it's hackable
How many multitools are needed to hack (0.1 is 1 multitool at untrained level)
Whether it's on initially
Whether it will trigger an alarm
Whether it pans from side to side
The field of view. Default is 4096 (22.5°)
How far it can see into the distance
For far it will pan
How long it takes to pan back and forth once