
This guide will cover adding personal computers, security consoles and public terminals to your map. You will find these actors in the Actor Class Browser under Decoration > DeusExDecoration > ElectronicDevices > Computers.


  • Computers
    • ComputerNode
    • lockoutDelay
    • nodeName
    • specialOptions
      • bTriggerOnceOnly
      • Text
      • TriggerEvent
      • TriggerText
      • UnTriggerEvent
      • userName
    • TextPackage
    • titleString
    • titleTexture
    • UserList
      • accessLevel
      • Password
      • userName
The node this computer belongs to
Seconds to lock out the player after a failed hack attempt
The name displayed at the login prompt
Prevent retriggering the event
Button text
Name of the event to be triggered
Text to send with the event as a parameter
Name of the event to untrigger
User that triggered the event
Your package name
The title of the login prompt (not implemented)
The logo of the login prompt (not implemented)
Hacking skill needed to access this account
Account password
Account username

Personal computers


  1. Create a file called 16_Email01.txt (mission number + "Email" + number, it's a convention) in the DeusEx/MyPackage/Text folder.
  2. Write in something like this. Unlike with information devices, only the <P> and <COMMENT> tags work here.

    <P>This is a test email
    <P>Jordan Shea
  3. Create another text file called 16_EmailMenu_myuser.txt (another convention) like this:

    <EMAIL=16_Email01,Test email,JordanShea,myuser,>


    The structure is email filename, subject, sender, username (several can be added)

  4. Create/modify a file called TextImport.uc inside your DeusEx/MyPackage/Classes folder with this content:

    class TextImport expands Object abstract;
    #exec DEUSEXTEXT IMPORT FILE=Text\16_Email01.txt
    #exec DEUSEXTEXT IMPORT FILE=Text\16_EmailMenu_myuser.tx
  5. Rebuild your package.

  6. Add a DeusExLevelInfo actor to your map, if your haven't already, and set the mission number to 16.
  7. Add a Decorations > DeusExDecorations > ElectronicDevices > Computers > ComputerPersonal to your map.
  8. Open its properties and add a an account to the Computers > UserList with the username myuser.
  9. Set the TextPackage value to the name of your package.


Computer nodes are unfortunately hardcoded in Deus Ex, so we need to do a bit of monkey wrenching to define our own. Create a new class called ComputerNodeDistributor.uc and paste this:

class ComputerNodeDistributor extends KeyPoint;

var() string NodeName;
var() string NodeDesc;
var() string NodeAddress;
var() Texture NodeTexture;

function PostBeginPlay()
    local Computers aComputer;

    if(Event == '')

    foreach AllActors(class'Computers', aComputer, Event)
        aComputer.SetPropertyText("ComputerNode", "CN_UNATCO");
        aComputer.SetPropertyText("NodeInfo", "(nodeName=\"" $ NodeName $ "\",nodeDesc=\"" $ NodeDesc $ "\",nodeAddress=\"" $ NodeAddress $ "\",nodeTexture=Texture'" $ NodeTexture $ "')");

Then add this actor to your map, set its Event to the Tag of the computers you want to modify, and fill in the values of ComputerNodeDistributor's properties as you like.