
These are the known console commands for UnrealEd. They are not case sensitive.

Command Description
ACTOR ADD CLASS=(CLASS) Add actor of class (e.g.: CLASS=Lamp1).
ACTOR ALIGN Aligns the vertices of the selected brushes to the grid.
ACTOR APPLYTRANSFORM Applies the transform permanently to selected brushes.
ACTOR CLIP Z In wireframe view it culls brushes that are after a certain distance.
ACTOR DELETE Deletes any and all currently selected actors.
ACTOR DUPLICATE Duplicates currently selected actor.
ACTOR HIDE SELECTED Hides the currently selected actors/brushes.
ACTOR HIDE UNSELECTED Hides any actors/brushes that are not currently selected.
ACTOR KEYFRAME NUM=# Set the current actor to key frame number.
ACTOR MIRROR X Mirrors the selected actor about the X axis.
ACTOR MIRROR Y Mirrors the selected actor about the Y axis.
ACTOR MIRROR Z Mirrors the selected actor about the Z axis.
ACTOR REPLACE BRUSH Replace selected brush with the builder brush.
ACTOR REPLACE CLASS=(CLASS) Replace selected actor with actor of class (eg: CLASS=Lamp1).
ACTOR RESET ALL Resets the location, pivot, rotation and scale of the selection.
ACTOR RESET LOCATION Resets the selected brush's location.
ACTOR RESET PIVOT Resets the selected brush's pivot.
ACTOR RESET ROTATION Resets the selected brush's rotation.
ACTOR RESET SCALE Resets the selected brush's scale.
ACTOR SELECT ALL Selects all brushes/actors within the map.
ACTOR SELECT INSIDE Selects all brushes/actors within the builder brush.
ACTOR SELECT INVERT Inverts the state of selected to unselected or vise versa.
ACTOR SELECT NONE Deselect the selected actors.
ACTOR SELECT OFCLASS CLASS=(CLASS) Selects all actors of a class.
ACTOR SELECT OFSUBCLASS CLASS=(CLASS) Selects all actors of a class or subclasses.
ACTOR UNHIDE ALL Shows all actors/brushes that may have been hidden.
BRUSH ADDMOVER Creates a mover brush from red builder brush.
BRUSH ADD Creates an additive brush.
BRUSH APPLYTRANSFORM Transform the selected brush permanently.
BRUSH FROM DEINTERSECTION Creates new brush from the deintersection operation.
BRUSH FROM INTERSECTION Creates new brush from the intersection operation.
BRUSH SUBTRACT Creates a subtractive brush.
BRUSHCLIP DELETE Deletes the verticies used to perform brush clipping operation.
BRUSHCLIP FLIP Flips selection arrow denoting what side of brush to clip.
BRUSHCLIP SPLIT Splits the selected brush along the clipping plane.
BRUSHCLIP Performs the clipping operation on the selected brush.
BSP REBUILD (LAME/GOOD/OPTIMAL) (BALANCE=0-100) (LIGHTS) (MAPS) (REJECT) Rebuild BSP with default settings or custom settings in brackets.
CAMERA ALIGN Aligns the camera on the currently selected actors/ brushes.
CAMERA CLOSE FREE/(VIEWPORT) Closes all free viewports, or a viewport by a given name.
CAMERA HIDESTANDARD Hides all standard viewports.
CAMERA OPEN Opens a new floating 3D viewport.
CAMERA UPDATE Updates viewport.
CLASS LOAD FILE=(FILENAME) Load class from file
CLASS NEW Create new class.
CLASS SPEW ALL/(CLASS) Exports all scripts, or the scripts of a named class, to your game folder.
DELETE Deletes selected actors/brushes.
DUPLICATE Duplicates selected actors/brushes.
EDCALLBACK SURFPROPS Bring up the surface properties of selected poly.
EDIT COPY Copies selected actors/brushes.
EDIT CUT Cuts selected actors/brushes.
EDIT PASTE Pastes selected actors/brushes.
JUMPTO X,Y,Z Puts all viewports centered on entered coordinates.
LEVEL LINKS Update teleporter links.
LEVEL REDRAW Redraws the level views updating any changes.
LEVEL VALIDATE Validate the level, find errors.
LIGHT APPLY Applies lights in your level.
LSTATS Displays lighting stats.
MAP BRUSH GET Copy selected brush to red builder brush.
MAP BRUSH PUT Move selected brush to builder brush location and take on shape of builder brush.
MAP NEW Start new map.
MAP REBUILD Rebuild map (geometry/bsp).
MAP SELECT ADDS Selects all additive brushes in the map.
MAP SELECT FIRST Select the first created brush in the level.
MAP SELECT LAST Select the last created brush in the level.
MAP SELECT NONSOLIDS Selects all nonsolid brushes in the map.
MAP SELECT SEMISOLIDS Elects all semisolid brushes in the map.
MAP SELECT SUBTRACTS Selects all subtractive brushes in the map.
MAP SENDTO FIRST Send selected brush to the beginning of the bulding process.
MAP SENDTO LAST Send selected brush to the end of the building process.
MAP [LOAD/SAVE/IMPORT/EXPORT] FILE=(FILENAME) Executes the load, save and import commands with the given filename.
MODE BRUSHCLIP Puts editor in brush clipping mode.
MODE BRUSHROTATE Puts editor in brush rotate mode.
MODE BRUSHSCALE Puts editor in brush scaling mode.
MODE BRUSHSHEER Puts editor in brush sheer? mode.
MODE BRUSHSNAP Scales a brush while snapping vertices to the grid.
MODE BRUSHSTRETCH Puts editor in brush stretching mode.
MODE CAMERAMOVE Puts editor in camera moving mode.
MODE CAMERAZOOM Puts editor in camera zoom mode.
MODE FACEDRAG Puts editor in face drag mode.
MODE GRID=[1,0] Turns snap to grid on or off.
MODE ROTGRID=[1,0] Turns rotational grid on or off.
MODE SNAPDIST=# Distance of vertex to grid intersection before snapping to it.
MODE SNAPVERTEX=[1,0] Turns vertex snap on or off.
MODE SPEED=[1,2,3] Sets the movement speed.
MODE TEXTURELOCK=[1,0] Turns texture lock on or off. If texture lock is on then textures will not be reset on brushes that are vertex manipulated.
MODE TEXTUREPAN Puts editor in texture pan mode.
MODE TEXTUREROTATE Puts editor in texture rotate mode.
MODE TEXTURESCALE Puts editor in texture scaling mode.
OBJ LOAD PACKAGE=(NAME) FILE=(FILE) Loads a given package from a specified file. See Embedding Code.
OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE=(NAME) FILE=(FILE) WARN=? Saves a given package to a specified file.
PATHS BUILD HIGHOPT Auto create pathnode network, opt=2.
PATHS BUILD LOWOPT Auto create pathnode network, opt=0.
PATHS BUILD Auto create pathnode network, opt=1.
PATHS DEFINE Create reachspecs.
PATHS HIDE Hide pathnodes.
PATHS REMOVE Remove all pathnodes.
PATHS SHOW Show pathnodes.
PATHS UNDEFINE Remove all reachspecs.
PIVOT HERE Places a pivot a the previously selected grid point.
PIVOT SNAPPED Snaps pivot to grid.
POLY DEFAULT TEXTURE=(PACKAGE.GROUP.TEXTURE) Sets the default texture in the texture browser.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT ALL Selects all adjacent polys.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT CEILINGS Selects all adjacent ceiling polys.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT COPLANARS Selects all adjacent coplaner polys.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT FLOORS Selects all adjacent floor polys.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS Selects all adjacent polys on the same slant.
POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS Selects all adjacent wall polys.
POLY SELECT ALL Selects all polys in the map.
POLY SELECT MATCHING TEXTURE Selects all matching surfaces that share the same applied texture.
POLY SELECT MEMORY Selects any polys that have been remembered in memory.
POLY SELECT NONE Deselect any currently selected poly.
POLY SELECT REVERSE Inverts the state of selected to unselected or vice versa.
POLY SELECT ZONE Selects all polys in the current zone.
POLY SET TEXTURE=(PACKAGE.GROUP.TEXTURE) Sets the poly to the given texture.
POLY SETTEXTURE Sets the poly to the current selected texture.
POLY TEXALIGN FLOOR Aligns the textures to the floor plane.
POLY TEXALIGN ONETILE Aligns textures to one tile fitting.
POLY TEXALIGN WALLCOLUMN Aligns texture to wall column.
POLY TEXALIGN WALLDIR Aligns the textures to the wall plane.
POLY TEXALIGN WALLPAN Pans out the textures on the wall plane.
POLY TEXINFO Displays information about the texture like scaling multipliers.
POLY TEXPAN U=# V=# Pans textures along the U and V axis by the supplied number of units.
POLY TEXSCALE U=# V=# UV=# VU=# Scales the texture by numbers entered for U and V and skews the texture for numbers entered for UV and VU.
SELECT NONE Deselect any and all selected actors.
SETCURRENTCLASS CLASS=(CLASS) Set the current class.
SHOWINV Toggle the showing of inventory spots.
TEXTURE APPLYDETAIL Apply the "current detail texture" to the texture selected in the texture browser.
TEXTURE BATCHAPPLY DETAIL=(DetailTextureName|None) PREFIX=(TextureNameMatchingPrefix) OVERRIDE=(TRUE/FALSE) Search through all texture packages optionally searching for matches against the "TextureNameMatchingPrefix" for all textures found, apply DetailTextureName as the new detail texture. If a detail texture already exists and OVERRIDE=FALSE, then skip the texture.
TEXTURE CLEAR ??? Removes all dynamic texture sources.
TEXTURE CLEARDETAIL Clear the current detail texture.
TEXTURE CULL Remove texture references on all non-visible surfaces.
TEXTURE REPLACEDETAIL Search through all texture packages for occurrences of detail textures that match the texture currently selected in the texture browser. If a match is found, replace the texture's detail texture with the "current detail texture.
TEXTURE SETDETAIL Set the "current detail texture" to the current the texture browser selection.
TRANSACTION REDO Redo previous action.
TRANSACTION UNDO Undo previous action.