
This is a collection of useful functions present in later versions of UnrealScript

Author: Artifechs, aizome8086

function string Locs(coerce string Text)
    local int TextLength, TextIndex;
    local string Glyph, Result, Uppercase;

    TextLength = Len(Text);

    for(TextIndex = 0; TextIndex < TextLength; ++TextIndex)
        Glyph = Mid(Text, TextIndex, 1);

        if(InStr(Uppercase, Glyph) > -1)
            Glyph = Chr(Asc(Glyph) + 32);

        Result = Result $ Glyph;

    return Result;

function string Split(coerce string Text, coerce string SplitStr, optional bool bOmitSplitStr)
    local int i;

    i = InStr(Text, SplitStr);

    if(i < 0)
        return Text;

        return Mid(Text, i);

        return Mid(Text, i + Len(SplitStr));

function string Repl(coerce string Text, coerce string Replace, coerce string With)
    local int i;
    local string Output;

    i = InStr(Text, Replace);
    while (i != -1) {
        Output = Output $ Left(Text, i) $ With;
        Text = Mid(Text, i + Len(Replace));
        i = InStr(Text, Replace);
    Output = Output $ Text;
    return Output;

function JoinArray(string StringArray[100], out string Result, optional string Delimiter, optional bool bIgnoreBlanks)
    local int i;

    Result = "";

    for(i = 0; i < ArrayCount(StringArray); i++)
        if(StringArray[i] == "" && bIgnoreBlanks)

        if(Result != "")
            Result = Result $ Delimiter;

        Result = Result $ StringArray[i];

function ParseStringIntoArray(coerce string InStr, out string Parts[100], string Delimiter)
    local string Part, Glyph;
    local int i, NumParts;

    for(i = 0; i < Len(InStr) + 1; i++)
        Glyph = Mid(InStr, i, 1);

        if(Glyph == Delimiter || i == Len(InStr))
            Parts[NumParts] = Part;
            Part = "";
            Part = Part $ Glyph;