Interpolation points

Interpolation points are used to create a curve along which to move an actor. Commonly used with cutscenes/cinematics.


For making cutscenes where no player interaction is involved, use CameraPoint instead.

Creating a path

  1. Add a Keypoint > InterpolationPoint actor to your map.
  2. In the properties, set the Events > Tag to MyPath.
  3. Create a copy of the InterpolationPoint and place it somewhere else.
  4. In the properties, change the InterpolationPoint > Position to 1.
  5. Create another copy and set its position to 2.
  6. Still in the properties dialog, set bEndOfPath to True.
  7. Rotate each point according to which way you want the actor facing along the curve.


The points only influence the curve indirectly. If you want tighter control of the shape of the curve, you can place points closer together.

Linking an actor to a path

Open the actor's properties and set Events > Event to MyPath.

Starting the interpolation

With InterpolationTrigger

If you want the interpolation to happen during gameplay.

  1. Place a Triggers > InterpolateTrigger in your map.
  2. In the properties, set Events > Event to the Events > Tag of your actor.

The order of events will be this:

  1. Player touches trigger.
  2. Trigger emits event "MyActor".
  3. Actor tagged as "MyActor" emits event "MyPath".
  4. Interpolation points tagges as "MyPath" take control of the actor.

Here is a little diagram that shows how things are connected:

InterpolationTrigger        ┌─── "MyActor"
└─ Events                   │ ┌─ "MyPath" 
   └─ Event ────────────────┤ │
                            │ │
MyActor                     │ │
└─ Events                   │ │
   ├─ Event ────────────────│─┤
   └─ Tag ──────────────────┘ │                      
InterpolationPoint0           │
├─ Events                     │
│  └─ Tag ────────────────────┤
└─ InterpolationPoint         │
   └─ Position = 0            │
InterpolationPoint1           │
⋯                             │
InterpolationPoint2           │
⋯                             │
InterpolationPoint3           │ 
├─ Events                     │
│  └─ Tag ────────────────────┘
└─ InterpolationPoint
   ├─ bEndOfPath = True
   ├─ Position = 3
   └─ RateModifier = 0.0

With a MapExit

If you want the interpolation to control the camera during a transition at the end of a mission.

  1. Place a MapExit actor in your map.
  2. In the properties, note that the Events > Tag is MapExit. You can change it if you like.
  3. Expand the MapExit section in the properties.
  4. Set bPlayTransition to True.
  5. Set cameraPathTag to MyPath.
  6. Set DestMap to the name of your desired map to transition to.
  7. To trigger the MapExit, you can set up a Trigger with Events > Event set to MapExit. You can also trigger it from a conversation