Information devices

In order to display text using data cubes, books and newspapers, an external text resource is needed.


  • InformationDevices
    • imageClass
    • TextPackage
    • textTag
The image¹ to be transfered
The name of your package
The name of the imported text

¹ More about images

Create a folder

Create a Text folder inside your package, like so:

  • DeusEx
    • MyPackage
      • Text

Create a text file

Create a new text file called 16_MyText.txt inside your Text folder. The 16 is your mission number

Text has a few HTML-like formatting tags available (not all of these are actually supported in Deus Ex):

Tag Description
<P> A paragraph
<B> Bold
<U> Underline
<I> Italics
<G> Graphic (?)
<F> Font (?)
<L> Label (?)
<PLAYERNAME> The player's chosen real name
<NOTE> A note to add
<GOAL> A goal to add
<JL> Left aligned text
<JC> Centered text
<JR> Right aligned text
<DC=0-255,0-255,0-255> Default colour
<C=0-255,0-255,0-255> Text colour
<COMMENT> A comment that will not be visible in-game

A common practice is to close all tags except the <P> tag, like so:

<P><JC>This is a centered title</JC>
<P>This is a longer sentence with a <DC=255,0,0>red</DC> word in it
<COMMENT>This text will not be visible in-game</COMMENT>

Create an import file

Create a new file called TextImport.uc inside your DeusEx/MyPackage/Classes folder with this content:

class TextImport expands Object abstract;

#exec DEUSEXTEXT IMPORT FILE=Text\16_MyText.txt

Rebuild your package

Delete the DeusEx/System/MyPackage.u file if it's present and run this command from within the DeusEx/System folder:

UCC.exe make

Add the information device to your map

  1. Open UnrealEd.
  2. Bring up the actor browser from View > Actor Class Browser.
  3. Navigate to the data cube, book or newspaper you want in the Decoration > DeusExDecoration > InformationDevices section.
  4. Right click where you want to place the actor and select Add <actor> here.
  5. Double click the actor (or right click and select Properties).
  6. Expand the InformationDevices section.
  7. In the TextPackage field, type MyPackage.
  8. In the textTag field, type 16_MyText.


This is an example of a custom image.

class MyImage expands DataVaultImage;

     imageDescription="A description of this image"


It needs to be sliced into 4 256x256 image files, and the image itself should be 400x400. The remaining space should be black or magenta.