This guide decribes how to play .ogg music files in Deus Ex



  1. Unpack the DXOgg.u and DXOgg.dll into your DeusEx/System directory.
  2. Add DXOgg to the bottom of the [EditPackages] list in DeusEx/System/DeusEx.ini.
  3. To the same file, under [Core.System] and all your other Paths= statements, add the line OggPath=..\MyPackage\Music\.

With UnrealEd 2.2

  1. Unpack the UED22/DXOgg.u file into your DeusEx/UED22 folder.
  2. Add DXOgg to the bottom of the [EditPackages] list in DeusEx/UED22/unrealtournament.ini

Working in UnrealEd

  1. Restart UnrealEd if you haven't already
  2. From the Actor Class Browser, place a DXOggMusicManager actor.
  3. Open its properties and define your music filenames there (they must be the exact filename of your track, including the .ogg extension)


DXOgg is generally pretty good at logging errors, so if something isn't going as you expected, have a look in the game's log file (either in DeusEx/MyPackage/System/*.log, DeusEx/System/DeusEx.log or Documents/Deus Ex/System/DeusEx.log).